Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sometimes I wish designing headers is as simple as Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. I'm not saying I love math, in particular Algebra but as least with the subject, there is a precise formula that one relies on to get an answer. When I do blog headers, I have to guess what my clients want and sometimes it's not easy. After all I don't know them. I don't know their taste and I don't know what they like or what they don't like.

It's never an exact science when it comes to designing. I have to totally rely on my gut feel. There is no Algebra 1 Answers or Algebra 2 Answers. My designs depends solely on the answers that my client furnish me before I start to work. Most times, fortunately, I get it spot on but sometimes it does get challenging to really make my clients love what I have done.

Much like students getting Algebra 1 Help and Algebra 2 help at online tuition centers like TutorNext dot com, I get some inspiration from some design sites online too. Thank goodness for the internet eh?

Posted by LadyJava On Tuesday, February 16, 2010 4 comments


  1. If you use your gut feeling for your designs, then you must have a great gut because you do outstanding work. ;) ;)

  2. hahahah Bill.. that's one of looking at it... lol!!

  3. If you use your gut feeling for your designs, then you must have a great gut because you do outstanding work. ;) ;)


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