Thursday, March 24, 2011

On my recent Entrecards drops, I noticed a few blogs hosted on Blogspot suddenly disappearing although apparently all these bloggers are active with a few blogs to their names. Then I noticed a post by one of the bloggers at her other blog which stated that Blogger had apparently DELETED her blog stating that it was a SPAM blog and even after numerous email, she still had not received any answer and her blog is still gone.

I am not here to question who is right or who is wrong but here’s a way to salvage your blog data should that happened.




.. and here’s how you do it in blogger/blogspot.

1. Go to your blog dashboard

2. Click on Settings>>Basic and you will see the the EXPORT link.

export or backup


3. Click on that and click on DOWNLOAD BLOG to somewhere safe on your hard drive. What this does is it will save your blog in a XML format that you can IMPORT back to another blogspot blog or use to import into another blogging platform, WordPress, while you decide your next course of action if and when this happens.

4. NOTE: This will ONLY back up your blog entries and comments.  It DOES NOT backup your template or your widgets.  To back up your template, you can do so from Design>>Edit HTML menu

Go get exporting/backing up NOW!

PS: Want a blog makeover? Contact me today.
PSS: Need hosting? Need transfer services?
PSSS: View all my work here


First Commenter Gets FCSB Point from LadyJava.
Thank you for your comments.
Posted by LadyJava On Thursday, March 24, 2011 No comments READ FULL POST

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I take pride in my work and each blog makeover to me is like working on my very own blog. Care and thought goes to each design to make sure it meets your approval because I appreciate that you trust me enough to let me work with you to create your very own space in the world wide web.

After the work is done, I hope you smile each time you visit your own blog and make you motivated to blog even more. I hope you drop a few lines using the Review and Testimonial page to let me know what you think about my work so I could improve myself.

Thanks so much and enjoy your blogging  journey!

PS: Want a blog makeover? Contact me today.
PSS: View all my work here


Posted by LadyJava On Wednesday, March 23, 2011 No comments READ FULL POST
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