Saturday, January 30, 2010

Before I left for Singapore, I got a chance to do my very first blog makeover on WORDPRESS! Jamie was blogging on another blogging template called MovableType and wanted to switch to wordpress for personal reasons. However, since she loved the template she already had, all she wanted me to do was to do an identical layout from her existing layout.

So here it is. I did the basic layout coding, install the header, put in the background, make sure the colors are the same and Jamie did the widget installation herself :)

So folks.. yes.. LadyJava Creations is now doing WORDPRESS blog makeover!

Posted by LadyJava On Saturday, January 30, 2010 21 comments


  1. Very impressive, LJ! As always, you rock my friend! :* ;) :)

  2. Woooo Whooooo LJ is doing both blogger and wordpress now Congrats :-D :-D :-D

  3. Woohooo is right Bill.. I'm so excited. lol!!
    Thanks for stopping by Bill!

  4. glad you were able to help her out.
    I thought of you and I referred her to You
    when we spoke about her template issues.
    nice to know you are doing wordpress templates. 8-)
    looking forward to seeing Jamies' new look soon.

  5. Hiya EntrePOD
    I knew someone referred her to me but I didn't know who as she didn't mention a name. but THANK YOU.. I really appreciate the referral and YES.. I'm doing Wordpress now...

    would love to visit your blog if you have one.. not sure as you didnt leave a link :)

  6. Congrats! The blog looks great now. Can you customize my blog ;)

  7. Thanks! hehehe.. contact me for a quotation ok!

  8. Wohoott.. yes Bill.. come one come!

  9. Cindi @ Moomettes's MagnificentsFebruary 8, 2010 at 2:25 PM

    Hi Lady J ~

    That's great you're on WP now! You did a fabulous job when I was on blogger, and I know you were the first one I contacted for a makeover when I switched to wp, but alas, you weren't doing it yet.

    I'm happy to know you've moved and and will certainly contact you if I need tweaking or something new! Any banner's you've done too have come out great!

  10. Hiya Cindi!
    So nice to see you again J
    YES I’m doing WP now.. about time eh? lol!
    Catch you soon with a new blog makeover J
    Thanks for all your support ya!

  11. Hey LJ, I came to see ur flash banner, takde pun wig client flash banner here... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*

  12. hi GP.. the flash banner is at my client site here dearie.. too heavy to host here :)

  13. Wahhhhh saw edi, so cool la LJ! I am impressed! :)

  14. hehe.. thanks for checking it out sweetie..:)
    wah so sleepy now.. i think i will sleep.. heheh... you?

  15. I just finished dropping think I will play games! Sweet dreams LJ! :)

  16. I just finished dropping think I will play games! Sweet dreams LJ! :)

  17. glad you were able to help her out.
    I thought of you and I referred her to You
    when we spoke about her template issues.
    nice to know you are doing wordpress templates. 8-)
    looking forward to seeing Jamies' new look soon.


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