Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The awesome Flit, emailed me asking if I was tired of her yet. I was like "WHAT?" lol..

It seemed she needed two more blog makeovers done for her two daughters.

Her first one, Tamara, mentioned to me that she wanted to use something she had done once in photoshop and asked me if it was possible. I told her.. anything is possible and so here it is.. the backdrop is done by the Tamara.. I basically just added the strawberry blond (upon request by Tamara) girl and the blog title :)

The look before...

Want a blog makeover? Contact me today!

Posted by LadyJava On Wednesday, April 22, 2009 6 comments


  1. wow great job LJ!! I love her badge esp ;)

    Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - The highest mountain in South East Asia

  2. I am absolutely thrilled with it.... you did an amazing job

  3. Hi Mon :)
    Thanks dearie. yeah.. the badge is sexy eh? :* :*

  4. Yeay.. the mommy approve :)
    Thanks so much Flit.. now on the the next blog :)

    Recent blog post: Blog Makeover : 30 - Just Flitting

  5. not only sexy, but also eye-catching!! I looooooove it!!! :* :*

    Recent blog post: Be sexy, be careful

  6. Maria@Conversations with MomsApril 29, 2009 at 6:42 PM

    This is an amazing job. You really know what you're doing. Thank you again for my badge for Friday Frustrations. It officially starts this Friday and I will definitely be thanking you then.

    Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Graffiti


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