Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Susan from The Book Chook approached me needing help to transfer her blog from a two to a three column template. She loved her header and and color theme so that's what we stick with. I just added some elements to make the header a little less plain because the new template required a much wider one. Overall, Susan was happy with the new look and I get a satisfied client!

This was the before look..

Need a blog makeover, contact me today :)

Posted by LadyJava On Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4 comments


  1. Hiya Susan!
    It was fun working with you and the fact that you knew exactly what you wanted makes the transition went so smoothly :)
    Thanks for being a client and look forward to more business venture with you :)

  2. Hi Theresa
    Why not contact me and we'll chat ok!
    Sorry for not answering earlier.. this response got lost in my thousands of emails daily..heheh :)

  3. Thanks Ane.. yihaa!! :*

  4. Hi Theresa
    Why not contact me and we'll chat ok!
    Sorry for not answering earlier.. this response got lost in my thousands of emails daily..heheh :)


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