Friday, January 23, 2009

When Doris approached me for a custom look, I can't help but smile simply coz, the title is so close to my heart (I'm turning 40 in March). Her blog is about fitness for women who are nearing 40 but she told me "that does not mean it has to look old". LOL. . I agree Doris!!

Here's the before look...

Posted by LadyJava On Friday, January 23, 2009 4 comments


  1. Wow Lady are pumping them out left and right! This one looks fab!

  2. This looks great! I hope you're getting some traffic from your ecard advert on my page today. I don't know how you keep up with everything... I think you have a million blogs and yet you still manage to do so many awesome blog makeovers!

    thanks for all the support for Brayden. We are still at home and he is feeling a little better. Getting more and more active each minute!

  3. I've not check but I'm sure it's fine and I'll definitely advertise soon
    again Dore :).. Thanks for having me at your blog :)
    I hope Brayden gets well soon and up to his active self again.. My prayers
    goes out to both of you..
    Take care and God Bless

  4. Thanks Kristy!!!
    Glad you like it too!!!


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